Wolves For Sale



Wolves are made for endurance hunting. They may be slower than the prey they are chasing over short distances but they have superior endurance over long distances. They can travel up to 10 miles each day looking for food. You will find them in hunting packs that will help the wolf to have an advantage when hunting deer, elk and other ungulates. Most wolves are considered carnivorous, eats only meat, but there are some like the Maned Wolf which is omnivorous, eats plants and meat. Depending on the species of wolf, they can weight from 50 to 100 lbs.

Beautiful Large Black Phase Male Wolf Dog Mid Content Pup $600.

  • Name: Nadine
  • Posted: 03/22/2025
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: California

Beautiful large black phase mid content male pup one year old . He will be ready to bred next season .. He is very sweet and affectionate with me and gets a long well with other WD’s. Looking for good experienced home with secure containment and h...

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Black Phase Wolfdog pups

  • Price: $2,500.00
  • Name: robert tiljak
  • Posted: 03/21/2025
  • Phone: 219-816-0352
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Indiana

Black Phase wolfdog pups expected this spring.. these are high quality animals that come from outstanding bloodlines. All potential owners will be screened to insure best possible environment and care for these pups... please serious inquiries only.....

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Wolfdogs-Fox-Raccons-micro squirrels

  • Price: $1,234.00
  • Name: Skis exotics
  • Posted: 03/21/2025
  • Phone: 218-838-5651
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Minnesota

Taking deposits for spring Babies!!! Red Fox kits start at $400 (coming soon) Raccoon start at $600 (coming soon) Wolfdog pups start at $850 (coming soon) Micro squirrels $200 standard $350 pied (available now) ($200 deposit holds y...

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Wolf Hybrid

  • Name: Teresa
  • Posted: 03/20/2025
  • Phone: 361-935-7561
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Tennessee

Wolf hybrids Born 3/5/25. CKC registered. $600. Will be UTD on worming and 1st puppy shot. $150 deposit holds your choice. Balance due at pickup. Transport available for additional fee. Please text, email or leave message.

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Wolf hybrid

  • Name: Teresa
  • Posted: 03/20/2025
  • Phone: 361-935-7561
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Tennessee

Born 2/25/25. LC wolf hybrid. A little grey and a little timberwolf with siberian husky. Will be UTD on worming and shot. $400. Deposit of $150 to hold til ready. Balance at pick up...transport available for additional fee. Please email, text...

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Robust low to mid-content Wolf-Huskies

  • Name: Ricardo Vital
  • Posted: 03/17/2025
  • Phone: 9566676977
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Texas

Price: $400. Born on January 12, 2025. One sable male. Bottle fed with deluxe natural breeder's formula. Dewormed against large roundworms,{Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina} and hookworms,{Ancylostoma caninum and uncinaria stenocephala}. V...

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2025 Low Content Wolfdog Pups 35-40%

  • Price: 2,500
  • Name: Natalie Waller
  • Posted: 03/15/2025
  • Phone: 9095896086
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: California
  • Website: Www.socalwolfdogs.com

Low content litter planned for 2025. This is a proven pair. We have embark results of both sire, dam, and past pups they have produced. We are filling our waitlist before breeding. Price of pup includes first 3 vaccinations. We deworm regularly and p...

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95% + Wolf Content Puppies 2025

  • Price: $4,000.00
  • Name: Natalie Waller
  • Posted: 03/15/2025
  • Phone: 9095896086
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: California
  • Website: Www.socalwolfdogs.com

We have some exceptional new pairs planned in 2025. One of our planned pairs can be seen in ad photos. Extreme high content 95%+. Containment is mandatory and puppy will not be released without evidence of containment in place. Also must be able to l...

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  • Name: James Ogburn
  • Posted: 03/14/2025
  • Phone: (704)534-1967
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: North Carolina
  • Website: Legacylinewolves.com

Wolf (dog) Pups. Very High Percentage. Over 47 Years Of Hand Raising and and Bottle Feeding. Will Only Place In Legal Areas. Price is $4500. Call: (704)534-1967 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyeEItAS8Nc The Quality is The Best. Please, compare will...

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Wolfdog Puppies

  • Price: $3,500.00
  • Name: Jason
  • Posted: 03/11/2025
  • Phone: 7078882559
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: California

Mid and high content wolfdog puppies, hand raised. Local pickup or ground transport available.

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Wolf Dogs at Howling Hickory

  • Price: $1,200.00
  • Name: Dustin & Dana Dobbins Dobbins
  • Posted: 03/07/2025
  • Phone: 2567178584
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Alabama

We have One Male Wolf Dog puppy available. He was born on January 3rd 2025. He should be between 40% and 45% Wolf. Raised inside house .We have just started taking him outside for photos. Had First Vet check & UTD on shots also wormed several times....

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Beautiful WOLFDOG Companions... Pups available now

  • Name: Brent Reamy
  • Posted: 03/04/2025
  • Phone: 9189982183
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Oklahoma
  • Website: brentreamy on Facebook

We're located in the Tulsa Mountain Ranch area in Northeast Oklahoma. Our Wolf (dogs) are a significant part of our Family & our Pups will only go to Forever Homes that will continue the legacy of Love & admiration for these Majestic Compan...

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Low Content Wolfdogs (10-15%)

  • Price: $500.00
  • Name: Mo
  • Posted: 02/28/2025
  • Phone: 4144035869
  • Location: Wisconsin

3 males, 2 females. VERY socialized. Amazing pets for first time wolfdog owners. Mom is 25% WD with embark testing, dad is husky mix. Contact me for serious inquiries (text please) 414-403-5869

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Low content wolfdog

  • Price: 1000.00 - 1300.00
  • Name: Nathan Running Wolf Love
  • Posted: 02/27/2025
  • Phone: 7606778444
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: California

****rehoming**** Pups born feb 18th 2025 Beautiful low content wolfdog pups In search of a forever home. Will embark at 20-30 percent wolf Contact me with any questions Located in Southern California.

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  • Price: $750.00
  • Name: linda
  • Posted: 02/26/2025
  • Phone: 3194270235
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Iowa

2 girls & 1 boy available. Mom is 49% wolf per Embark, dad is 50/50 % wolf/Belgian Tervuren shepherd per embark. We are the only wolfdog breeders with Belgian Tervuren in the mix. Both parents have excellent temperaments and lovely personalities. M...

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The best cage design for wolves is one that is circular. A cage with corners will give a spot for one wolf to aggressively corner another wolf. Also wolves will try to climb and jump in corners. The wolf is a climber and can climb a chain-linked fence. You will need to have an enclosed top or a overhanging climb barrier that is a chain-linked section that is about 3 feet wide and is set at an inward and upward angle of 40 degree. They will try to dig out so you will need to lay wire horizontally about 1 foot underground and 3 feet out to prevent them from escaping.

Housing a wolf

Housing outdoors in the winter. Species of wolves which are naturally found in cold climate will do fine in a cold climate area but will need access to a dry sheltered area that will protect them from rain, wind, sun and extreme cold. A shelter area should be provided for each wolf. Straw should be spread on the floor of the shelter to provide a dry bedding that can be easily cleaned. You can use a heated water bowl to provide clean drinking water at all times. Warmer climate species will need supplemental heat when the temperatures go below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The can be accomplished by installing a space heater, heat pads, or heat lamps. Make sure the heat source is secure and the wolf cannot knock it over or lay too close to it and get burnt. Warm climate species of wolves will whelp, give birth, during the winter. If you are expecting pups, you need to keep the shelter area at 50 degree Fahrenheit or above for the pups.

Housing outdoors in the summer. Wolves do well in the summer heat if shade is provided for each wolf. You can also provide a shallow pond or pool for them to cool down in when needed. Make sure the water level is safe for small pups if any are present. They will also need to have access to clean cool drinking water at all times.

Wolves in captivity can be fed a high quality dry dog food diet. Raw meat, bones and whole or partial carcasses can be feed periodically. Clean water needs to be provided at all times for drinking.

Vaccinations that you should have administered is for rabies, parvo virus, canine distemper, leptospirosis and corona virus.


  • Frances April Dawn Hoover on December 11
    I'm amazed at the number of comments from those who are specific as to color and such. I feel if you really love wolves, the color is of no concern. I love wolves and plan on getting one or two once we get our acreage in tennessee. I don't care what color it is as long as it's a wolf as they are the best companions and protectors of (our) their packs.
  • Shannon Johnson on December 5
    I'm looking for a puppy I just love wolf puppy . I'm from Hinckley MN .
  • Gabriela on September 14
    i'm looking for a wolf pup that has grey and yellow fur does anyone know where i can find one?
  • Breenna on August 26
    I LOVE WOLVES I'm sad I can't get one
  • Cecilie on July 30
    Searching for mid-content German Shepherd wolfdog.
  • Iris Judson on July 27
    I'm looking for a timber high bread
  • Kathey on July 19
    Had a high % wolf.. had to put her down after 16 years… she had arthritis in her spine and back legs and she had cancer… she was my companion, my heart and soul.. am having a hard time dealing with the loss… she slept with me, go on long walks, she was an emotional support… and loved people especially old folks and kids… to me she was one of a kind…
  • Dennis on July 15
    I am interested in a female wolf, thanks
  • Lyla on May 9
    I had two hybrids. Plan on spending a lot of money. Food and vet bills for 2 was about 10k-15k a year.
  • Jennifer on May 6
    My first dog was almost all wolf, 73% time, the rest malate banned Keenie :D 😀 I am DESPERATE to have one of this breed again. I'm currently an Indiana resident, I just lost my son, in in a world of heartache and seeking the opportunity to embrace the love and friendship of one of these territorial, family oriented pieces of my missing family again. Another keeners lol I really need this. A puppy so she can be trained and learn that I am her pack. Please PLEASE give me the info to find a baby!!! I truly do need her and she will definitely love me for this. I would prefer a stay, as not to separate a family. If this is possible PLEASE let me know!!!
  • Minty woldamanial on April 26
    I am looking for a white wolf puppy
  • Smithi on April 21
    I always wanted a wolf if possible when I get the money even though I only have like $50 right now I'm going to save up the money to buy a pup
  • candy Richardson on April 18
    I have a female grey timber wolf, about a year old, very shy and timid.
  • Eddie Hatt on February 19
    I would like to find a male full blooded wolf pup with blue eyes preferably.
  • Christine Marie Maier on December 28
    I have lived with 2 wolves My first lived to 17 My second got sick and passed at 11 I am looking for a male . All white or black. I have over 20 years experience with wolves Both were high content. Please let me know if anyone has any pups
  • Alvin on December 24
    I am looking for 2 black newborn wolves
  • LaDonna on December 14
    We are looking for a high % white or bike k wolf pup, we had our Artic Wolf for 18.5 wonderful years and are looking for another pup
  • Ryan on December 13
    I am looking for a pure or high content wolf. Please let me know.
  • Marvin r on December 13
    I have a gray wolf malamute mix and a standard poodle about to have puppies can’t find much information can anybody tell me anything about that kind of mix
  • Cynthia on November 15
    Looking for a female wolf high percentage located in Florida. would love white but open to any pup that looks like a wolf not a dog.
  • Sam Michel on October 7
    I am looking for a arctic wolf that is not pure kinda half and half
  • Jennifer on September 19
    I am looking for timber wolf german Sheppard mix puppy, prefer black, want a big guy, live in oregon,
  • Mike on September 19
    Looking into purchasing a Baby Wolf Pup in the NE, Tristate or surrounding areas... I ha acreage in NEPA and the space to raise him...
  • Ruth Vera on September 5
    Looking for a high content wolf puppy or a slightly older wolf in Texas.
  • Riley on August 12
    Wolves are the best animal to my opinion
  • Max on August 10
    I'm looking for a massive Black wolf/ Wolfdog. I wanted to know if anyone has any ? what is the price ? Are you willing to ship THE WOLF/Wolfdog?
  • April Keaton on July 8
    We are looking for a all black female. If anyone could help us we would be so greatly appreciative. Thank you so much. Also let me add we will travel to pick her up -April
  • John F. on June 21
    I love how there's such a wide variety of wolves here!
  • Nicole Martinez on June 19
    I'm looking for a timber wolf and a pit mix half and half
  • Candace on May 5
    I have Timberwolf pups high percentage with slight amount of husky
  • Jackie gray on April 26
    I'm looking for a wolf hybrid like 85% timber wolf/ 15% malimute mix in the Arkansas or Georgia area.
  • Christina Tihlarik on April 13
    Looking for a black or white wolf. Not hybrid
  • victor prentice on March 28
    have white with color coming in female husky wolf b. 1/14/21. Need email or text to send pic. Would like to trade for another bloodline. Mine came from Tammy Morris nr Albuquerque. Mom 4 first time bred. If you find and rescues that need a home she wants a couple. Lives rural on many acres.
  • Alexi Jones on March 17
    I love wolves
  • John Selby on March 5
    Looking for high content wolf pup. Have experience raising. Have raised 2 males 1 timber/husky and 1 timber grey both males.
  • Gharam on March 3
    is there any 98% Pure Wolves for sale? preferably in black/white or white/gray will pay extra for different colored eyes too!
  • person on March 1
    I love wolves but i cant get one! sad- =,(
  • Kylie on February 24
    Cute lil wolves one question are there any wolf pets for sale near California or in California?
  • Chance jones on February 19
    Looking for a husky wolf in Texas.
  • Callie Breuer on February 9
    Are there any Arctic wolf or wolf-dog puppies available?
  • Landon on January 25
    I am looking for a baby wolf that is for sale in Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, or Tennessee.
  • ashley on January 20
    I am looking for a white wolf dog puppy
  • Delphine on January 16
    I WISH I COULD GET ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahhhh...... its probably illegal where i live. sad :(
  • destiny on December 5
    I am looking for a big big akita dog for sale that is ok for kids but really fluffy a calm
  • Braylon on November 20
    I love wolf dog puppies any suggestons
  • Sabastian supik on October 16
  • Erica on September 15
    Are there any black male pumps available near Portland?
  • Dylon on August 10
    I’m looking for a massive white wolf/Wolfdog do y’all have any suggestions as to where I could get one??