Buffalo For Sale

American Bison For Sale
Buffalo For Sale

The North American bison, commonly known as the buffalo, is a large, grazing herbivore that once roamed the grasslands of North America. They have returned from the brink of extinction and are now a common sight in many of the country’s national parks, most notably Yellowstone National Park.

Water Buffalo Bull

  • Name: noel
  • Posted: 02/11/2025
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Kentucky

Water buffalo bull, 10-11 years old, raised on our farm and been our herd bull for last several years. We kept daughters so time for him to move...

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Water Buffalo

  • Name: Michele Bell
  • Posted: 01/07/2025
  • Phone: 772-341-3005
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Florida

Bulls and cows available, ages vary. Thinning out the herd.

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  • Price: $1,500.00
  • Name: Phillip Licking
  • Posted: 12/10/2024
  • Phone: 3086500162
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Nebraska
  • Website: Stableproranch@gmail.com

3 waterbuffalo bulls 2 calves 1 yearling ranch raised in Central Nebraska

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Water buffalo calves

  • Name: Joy
  • Posted: 10/30/2024
  • Email: Email Seller
  • Location: Ohio

Bottle fed water buffalo calves

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Buffalo are very large animals that need lots of room for grazing. They are herd animals so they should be kept with several other buffalo. They do best in very large, pasture-like enclosures that encompass several acres or more. Ideally, rotating the animals between a few pasture areas will give the grasses a chance to regrow. A variety of grasses and sedges should be grown in the pasture.

Buffalo Diet

Buffalo are ruminant grazers. They spend a good deal of their time walking and eating prairie grasses, or resting while chewing their cud. Lichen and mosses also provide additional nutrients. Buffalo are able to extract more nutrients from the low-protein, high-fiber prairie plants than cattle can.

Buffalo in Captivity

Buffalo For Sale

Buffalo live and travel in herds that are divided by gender. Females and young calves form one herd, while males form another herd. Buffalo will find fulfillment as long as they are able to maintain their natural social order.

Breeding Buffalo

Mating season begins in the summer months when male buffalo temporarily join the female herd to search for a mate. The females are pregnant throughout the fall and winter and deliver their calves in early to mid-spring. They typically have only one calf at a time and the newborn calf will weigh in at about fifty pounds. In the first hour of life, the calf will stand and start walking, joining the herd. The calves will stay with their mothers for the first year. Female buffalo will reach sexual maturity by age three and males, by age six. In the wild, buffalo live to about twenty years old, but they typically live longer in captivity.


  • Janice Menard on July 23
    I ame looking for 3-white buffalo heifers young Also 2-white Bull calves. I am interested in the 4 white buffalos in Oklahoma and I need 2-dark bull calves and 3 dark heifers.
  • Michael Faussett on July 19
    I love bison so much they are just beautiful animals I would like to own them just can't afford them it wouldn't be right for the animal so I dream and look at photos once again very beautiful animals.
  • natalie on June 14
    thank you so much for finding me a forever home couldn't have made it without you
  • Krista on January 2
    I am looking for a baby Buffalo
  • kelly kofoed on December 11
    looking to get a water buffalo bull calf or full size
  • Bill Karr on September 25
    Who the heck said that buffalo are "nearing extinction"???? I'm amazed at how ignorant people even have the nerve to prove how ignorant they are by posting things like that! The American bison is alive and well and thriving, just not running through towns by the hundreds of thousands anymore. How about you do a little research before showing your ignorance???
  • Alan Ernst on September 16
    Can one buy a baby Buffalo, preferably an albino?
  • Wanda MIDDLETON on June 20
    I once saw someone that had ‘Minature Buffalo” for sale … would like one
  • krystal zuniga on June 1
    I am looking for a water buffalo who can produce milk as of now
  • Sandy Henry on May 30
    Looking for a baby buffalo
  • Robert Jonas on April 24
    I would like to buy some white Buffalo for breeding
  • domynoe on April 9
    so sad buffalo are nearing extinction
  • Michael Kortan on October 17
    Is there still a white bison for sale? How much?
  • Roy boardwine on October 11
    I am interested in the white buffalo
  • Anonymous on September 5
    What is the price for the white buffalo, thank you very much Shawn.