Marble Fox For Sale

The marble fox (or arctic marble fox) is an interesting breed of fox, and not just because of the coat. This coloration of the fur is not something that is natural, but rather something that was created through human intervention, being the offspring of the red and silver fox combination. 
Many marble foxes are bred in captivity, however, there are many that still exist in the wild. This genetic mutation gives them beautiful white fur that has black or tan patches across the face and ears. As for the remainder of their physical characteristics, they have the triangular face, pointed ears, bushy tail and resemblance to dogs, however they have a more pointed snout and furry tails. They are native to Alaska and Canada and are adapted to live in the cold weather. In the wild, they can live for about 3-4 years, however, they can live for about 10-15 years in captivity. They can weigh from 6 pounds to 20 pounds. In the wild, they generally eat any small animal they can find as well as scavenging the remains from the hunts of other larger predators. In times where they cannot find food, they may even eat their own feces.

No Marble Fox For Sale currently listed for placement

Marble foxes hold many of the same behavioral characteristics of other foxes. Like dogs, they hold many different types of personalities. Some are shy while others will walk right up to you. Like dogs, they enjoy having their ears scratched. While they stem from the canine family, however, they are wild animals. Unlike other wild canines such as the wolf, foxes hunt alone. Another feature that distinguishes them from other animals is that they are known for being intelligent and clever. Staying true to the saying “sly as a fox,” they are not really meant to be tamed for the long haul. This independent and cunning nature may remind you of cats, however, foxes are more unpredictable and dangerous over time. In many fairy tales, foxes are deceitful and dangerous and this also translates into real life. If you see one of these on the street, you should not approach, no matter how cute they might appear. All in all, they are not meant to be domesticated, especially for a long time. Even past these behavioral traits, there are still other reasons as to this fact. Living in colder climates, marble foxes are meant for colder temperatures and have a thick coat to keep their body temperature high while their environment is cold. In another attempt to keep their body warm, they will curl up their legs and head tightly behind their tail, reducing the amount of surface area that can be touched by the cold atmosphere. They also live in dens, out of the wind, to try and keep warm. 

Marble Fox as a Pet

While they may be beautiful creatures, marble foxes are not really meant to be held as pets. While this fact remains, it is still possible for them to be domesticated. Living with and caring for a fox is much different than living with and caring for a dog or a cat, though, and it is important to research all that you can beforehand so that the experience goes well. The first thing you must do is check whether it is even legal to own a fox in your state. Some states do not allow foxes to be held as pets, as they consider them to be wildlife, and some states have specifications on what kind of fox is okay to have as a pet. It is easy for a fox to have rabies and it is important to have them vaccinated against this. If they are not legal in your state, they will not be able to be vaccinated and you may be placing you and anyone you live with in danger if the fox scratches or bites. Also, research who you are getting the animal from. Make sure that the dealer is taking care of the animal. Also take into consideration any other animals you may have as well as who is living with you. Foxes tend to do okay with dogs, however, they do not mix well with cats. If you have another fox, it is a good idea to monitor any time they spend together until the younger fox gets older. As for humans, it is not a good idea to have a fox as a pet if you have small children. Once you do have the fox pet, the best time for bonding is during the kit’s first six months of life.

Once you have bonded, make sure that the fox has plenty of activity and attention. A bored fox will find something to occupy its time and often, that activity will be destructive. Also realize that foxes are outdoor animals. While they can live in a house on a part-time basis, they will not thrive being indoors all the time. They need his outdoor environment to feel at home. When you feed the fox, beef, venison, poultry, fruit, vegetables, and dog food are recommended. Another difference between foxes and other pets is that litter box training can be very difficult. It is possible, however; you just need to be patient. Also remember that foxes mark their territory and unless you spay/neuter your fox, their marking will have a decent amount of odor. This odor is not specific to their marking, either. Foxes have a lasting foul odor and it is very hard to remove. While this scent may lessen after they are neutered, it will never go away. If you are still determined to have a marble fox as a pet, it is best to read about the experiences of other fox owners to see what exactly they did, what did work, and what didn’t. Having the stories of others in mind, you can make better decisions on what to do for yourself.

Marble foxes are beautiful creatures that are the result of human intervention and they share many traits with other foxes. While this may make them animals that attract a lot of attention, these traits also make them not the best choice as pets.


  • Victoria on January 16
    Where can I purchase one?
  • Reese on January 11
    I would like to get a marble fox
  • Terien whatley on January 10
    I’m looking for a Canadian marble fox
  • Tanveer on November 19
    Hi, I want to get a candian marvel fox, what are the things I need to prepare and what is the average cost for a pup?
  • Angie on July 29
    My son own a fox. We live in TN, he has to have the license class 2.
  • Kaylee Robertson on May 5
    Hey I'm Kaylee I want a Marble fox but my mom says I need a Wild License to have a fox or a wolf to take care of one
  • David J. on August 4
    I wanted a marble fox but I have a 4 month old baby and cats so tis wont work well.